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About Ad Limiter and SiteTruth

Conventional wisdom is that search spam can't be stopped.
Conventional wisdom is wrong.

SiteTruth exists to solve one of the Web's biggest problems - web spam, unidentified, and possibly fake, on-line businesses.

Every on-line commerce web site must display the name and address of the business behind the site. That's the law in much of the developed world. SiteTruth tries to identify that business, then find information about it. That check is used to influence search rankings. That's SiteTruth.

Sites which sell, but have no identifiable business behind them, are down-rated. "Doorway pages", "affiliate sites", and anonymous businesses receive low ratings. Identifiable, verifiable businesses get good ratings. The marginal businesses, the ones that the customer can't find when they need a refund, get low ratings.

Unlike other rating systems, SiteTruth has broad coverage of the Web. The first time there's a query about a web site, SiteTruth checks out and rates the web site, using its data sources. SiteTruth isn't limited to sites that have paid a fee. We're not selling "seals of approval". We're checking existing business records. For any legitimate business, there's a trail of records. If there's no such trail, the business must be viewed as suspicious.

SiteTruth is not infallible. It can be fooled. But a site operator must commit identity theft or another form of outright fraud to do so. For that, we have connections to "anti-phishing" sites which look for business identity theft.

This site is our technology demonstration and test site. What you see here is an early version of the system. This site is not yet using all available data sources. In time, this technology is expected to appear in major search engines. For now, this site helps users and web site operators get ready for the next generation of search technology.

The technology behind SiteTruth is covered by U.S. Patent #7,693,833 and other patents.

1510 Deer Creek Lane
Emerald Hills, CA 94062


Copyright 2012, SiteTruth
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